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Populära frågor

  • Kan jag ändra eller avbryta min beställning?

    Eftersom vårt team arbetar snabbt för att plocka och packa din beställning har vi bara en kort tid på oss att avbryta den.

    Om du kontaktar oss via e-post eller skickar ett meddelande via WhatsApp eller Facebook Messenger (vardagar kl 9–17) gör vi vårt bästa för att avbryta beställningen.

  • I can't log in to my account

    Oh no - we are sorry to hear you are having trouble logging in. It may be that your account has not yet been set up!

    Not to worry, it's really simply to get your account up and running - simply click here and fill in the form using the email address you used to place your order.

    This will link your newly created account with your past orders so you can make the changes you would like!

  • Är Black Edition en måltidsersättning?

    Huel-produkter skiljer sig från vanliga måltidsersättningar, även om de kan verka lika. Måltidsersättningar innehåller ofta få kalorier och marknadsförs som ett sätt att stödja antingen viktminskning eller ett träningsprogram. Två skopor Huel Black Edition är en näringsmässigt komplett måltid. En sådan portion innehåller 400 kcal, en bra mängd fiber och fett, och har dessutom ett lågt GI-värde.

  • Vad ska jag göra om jag har problem med min beställning?

    Åh nej, trist att höra! Vi ska lösa detta åt dig så snabbt det bara går.

    Om du skickar ett e-postmeddelande eller meddelande via WhatsApp/Facebook Messenger med ditt ordernummer och en beskrivning av problemet, så löser vi det.

  • Kan jag returnera min beställning?

    Ja! Alla oöppnade produkter (lådor - Ready-to-drink, bars, Hot & Savoury-måltider och Powder ) kan returneras till oss inom 30 dagar efter leverans för återbetalning. Ta en titt på vår återbetalningspolicy för mer information.

  • How do I receive a VAT Invoice?

    Please reach out to us at Please note: We can’t make any amendments to the invoices, so please make sure the business information (such as the VAT number) is added to the billing address before placing the order.

Product Questions

  • Är det en viktminskningsprodukt?

    Kort sagt, nej. Det är en vanlig missuppfattning att kolhydrater gör att du går upp i vikt. Huel Black Edition är mat. Viktminskning handlar främst om att äta färre kalorier än vad din kropp behöver. Precis som Huel Powder och Ready-to-drink kan den hjälpa dig att känna dig mätt, eftersom den innehåller mycket protein och fibrer.

  • Hur använder jag Huel Black Edition?

    Huel Black Edition är superlätt att använda. Tillsätt bara pulvret och vatten i din shaker och skaka!

  • Är Huel glutenfri?

    Huel Hot & Savoury: Det är inte alla Huel Instant Meals som är glutenfria – pastan vi använder innehåller gluten.

    Huel Powder: Inte alla Huel Powder är glutenfria. Endast Huel Gluten-free-produkterna innehåller glutenfritt havre.

    Huel Black Edition: Ja! Den är naturligt glutenfri.

    Huel Ready-to-drink: Ja! Den innehåller glutenfritt havrepulver.

    Huel Complete Nutrition Bars: Våra bars är inte glutenfria

    Huel Complete Protein: Ja! Den är naturligt glutenfri.

    Huel Daily A-Z Vitamins: Ja! Den är naturligt glutenfri.

  • Innehåller Huel några allergener?

    Huel Hot & Savoury: Kan innehålla senap. Innehåller allergenerna vete och selleri. Inte glutenfri. Huel Powder: Innehåller havre. Kan innehålla senap. Huel Gluten-free: Innehåller glutenfri havre. Kan innehålla senap. Huel Black Edition: Kan innehålla senap. Huel Ready-to-drink: Innehåller glutenfritt havrepulver. Kan innehålla senap. Huel Bar: Alla smaker innehåller jordnötter. Kan innehålla andra nötter och senap. Huel Daily A-Z Vitamins: Inga allergener. Daily A-Z Vitamins med koffein har dock en varning för barn och de som är gravida eller ammar.

    Har du allergier som inte omfattas av informationen? Då kan du kontakta oss direkt, så hjälper vi dig att hitta lämpliga produkter.

  • Is Huel vegan?

    Yes, Huel is vegan! There are no animal products in any of our product ranges.

  • Is Huel Organic?

    No, Huel isn’t organic. We don’t create an organic version of our products for a couple of reasons. One of them is cost. Organic ingredients are far more expensive, and this doesn’t fit in with our mission to provide universally affordable, nutritionally complete food.

  • Is Huel GMO-free?

    We state 'GMO-free' on the website because it's important to some consumers, whether you share the same view is another matter. In the UK and EU there are genetically modified corn and rapeseed varieties that are approved for use in foods, but we feel they offer no benefits for Huel in terms of cost, consumer acceptability, and several other factors. Therefore, Huel is GMO-free.

    Concerns about GMOs should be made on an individual crop and technology basis, and it's important to read a variety of scientific sources to develop a better overall view of GMOs.

  • Hur länge håller Huel?

    Olika Huel-produkter håller olika länge:

    • Huel Complete Nutrition Bar: 12 månader

    • Huel Complete Protein: 12 månader

    • Huel Hot & Savoury i påse: 12 månader

    • Huel Hot & Savoury Pots: 9 månader

    • Huel Powder och Huel Black Edition: 12 månader

    • Huel Black Edition Ready-to-drink: 15 månader

    • Huel Ready-to-drink: 15 månader

    • Huel Daily A-Z Vitamins: 9 månader

    Vi försöker skicka våra produkter så långt innan bäst före-datumet som möjligt för att ge dig tillräckligt med tid att använda din Huel – men våra lagernivåer spelar in här. I vissa fall kan du få en vara med 3 månader till bäst före-datumet.

    Obs! När du beställer enskilda varor (t.ex. en flaska Ready-to-drink, en Instant Meal Pot, en burk Daily A-Z eller en Complete Nutrition Bar), så kan dessa ha så lite som 1 månad kvar till bäst före-datumet.

    Kontakta oss om du får en produkt som går ut inom mindre än tre månader, eller 1 månad i fall det gäller enskilda varor, så hjälper vi dig.

Order & Delivery Questions

  • How much does delivery cost?

    UK Mainland

    The good news is, delivery is free for orders over £45!

    If your order is under £45, a small delivery fee of £4.99 will be charged in line with our postage charges.

    Click here for more delivery information.

  • När får jag min beställning?

    Om du beställer före kl. 17.00 levereras dina varor inom tre arbetsdagar. Om du beställer efter kl. 17.00 på en fredag, lördag eller söndag så kommer dina varor att plockas och packas på måndag och levereras inom 3 arbetsdagar. Det finns några undantag, så ta en titt på vår sida Frågor om leverans för mer information.

  • Kan jag ändra eller avbryta min beställning?

    Eftersom vårt team arbetar snabbt för att plocka och packa din beställning har vi bara en kort tid på oss att avbryta den.

    Om du kontaktar oss via e-post eller skickar ett meddelande via WhatsApp eller Facebook Messenger (vardagar kl 9–17) gör vi vårt bästa för att avbryta beställningen.

  • Kan jag returnera min beställning?

    Ja! Alla oöppnade produkter (lådor - Ready-to-drink, bars, Hot & Savoury-måltider och Powder ) kan returneras till oss inom 30 dagar efter leverans för återbetalning. Ta en titt på vår återbetalningspolicy för mer information.

  • Hur hanterar jag min prenumeration?

    Det är superenkelt att ändra din prenumeration online!

    Logga bara in på ditt konto – här kan du göra allt från att uppdatera dina uppgifter och hoppa över en leverans till att säga upp din prenumeration. Följ vår Huel-prenumerationsguide om du behöver hjälp.

  • How does the Huel Refer a Friend programme work?

    Every person you refer will save 10 € on their first order over 54 €, and you’ll get 10 € off your next order over 54 € too! We’ve created a How to Refer a Friend guide to make it as easy as possible.

  • How do I receive a VAT Invoice?

    Please reach out to us at Please note: We can’t make any amendments to the invoices, so please make sure the business information (such as the VAT number) is added to the billing address before placing the order.

Diet & Medical Questions

  • Can Huel help me gain or lose weight?

    Absolutely! To lose 1lb of fat you need to consume 500 calories less than you need per day, and to gain 1lb of fat you should eat 500 calories more. Huel is a great way to accurately calculate your calorie intake whilst making sure you’re not compromising on nutrition. Take a look at our Guide to Fat Loss or Guide to Gaining Weight to get you started.

  • Aren't liquid diets bad for you?

    The skepticism of liquid diets is often due to lack of chewing (therefore leading to incomplete digestion). Digestion does begin with chewing; it starts the breakdown of solid food to increase the surface area.

    However, with liquid diets this has already been done for you. Huel has fine milled oats as the carb source and these are a lot easier to break down further than whole oats. Also, peristalsis remains active throughout the alimentary canal, as we’ve addressed this with good levels of soluble and insoluble fibres in Huel.

  • Can Huel be used if I have diabetes?

    Yes, all Huel products are suitable for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics, but we suggest limiting Huel Bars to one per day. Huel Instant Meals, Ready-to-drink and all Powder products can be consumed freely.

    Our products are based on oats and are high in fibre. As with all food, if you're using medication to help control your diabetes, you should structure your intake of Huel appropriately. Huel Powder and Ready-to-drink are low in sugar, have a low-GI and you can accurately measure the amount of carbohydrate you're consuming in each meal; this may be useful depending on what medication or insulin regimen you're following.

    The contribution of total energy intake that comes from carbohydrate is between 35% and 42% – depending on the Huel product – levels that tie in well with Diabetes UK recommendations. Indeed, for diabetics who count their carbs to help manage their blood glucose levels (as detailed on the Diabetes UK website), please look at the Nutrition information of Huel; for example, a 2 scoop meal of Huel Powder provides 38g of carbohydrate.

  • Can I consume Huel if I've had oesophageal or stomach surgery?

    If you've had surgery on your oesophagus or stomach which has resulted in partial or total removal, you can still benefit from having Huel Instant Meals, Powder and Ready-to-drink. Follow the guidance you've been given as you would for other foods. One symptom you should have been made aware of from medical staff is dumping syndrome. This is where the transit time for food will be a lot quicker and could cause rebound hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar levels). The ingredients in Huel Powder and Ready-to-drink are low-GI and are ideal to reduce the risk of dumping syndrome. However, to be cautious, we recommend you keep your servings smaller and spread throughout the day. Obviously this depends on your requirements and if you're consuming Huel for 100% of your nutrition. If you’re having 100% Huel, we suggest you work up to this level over 1-2 weeks rather than going straight to a 100% intake.

    Some gastrointestinal surgery can result in reduced absorption and increased requirements for certain nutrients, so we recommend you discuss Huel with your clinical staff before making it a regular part of your diet.

  • Can Huel be used if I'm pregnant/breastfeeding?

    Absolutely. Most Huel products are fine to have during pregnancy, but should be limited to one serving per day as there are different nutritional requirements during this period.

    Mothers are told not to have too much vitamin A, nor to use vitamin A supplements during pregnancy. The amount of vitamin A in Huel meets the EU recommended intake requirement and is lower than typical intakes of people who consume a varied diet, and far lower than levels that have been shown to be safe during pregnancy.

    We suggest that you discuss this with your doctor or health visitor, especially if you are also taking a prenatal supplement, in case there are any clinical-specific reasons why Huel wouldn’t be suitable.

    Please note: due to the high levels of vitamins and minerals, Huel Daily A-Z Vitamins is NOT suitable for use during pregnancy or for nursing mothers.

  • Can Huel be consumed if I have diverticular disease?

    Consuming Huel Powder, Huel Ready-to-drink and Huel Bars may be okay if your diverticular disease is in remission, but we do advise caution. If you're in an active diverticulitis phase, the ground flaxseed may get caught up in diverticular pockets and cause irritation, so we suggest avoiding Huel products. Please note, Huel Instant Meals are not suitable if you have diverticulosis (both in remission and active).

  • Can children use Huel?

    Yes. Huel is safe for children above 4 years of age to include in moderation as part of a balanced, varied diet, but please give our Children, Adolescents and Huel guide a read. Huel is not suitable for babies or infants below or during weaning age as there are different nutritional requirements for this age group.

Nutritional Questions

  • Are the vitamins and minerals in Huel absorbed into the body?

    Yes! The vitamin and mineral blend in our Huel products are included to bump up the vitamins and minerals that aren't there in sufficient amounts from the food ingredients within Huel. Some vitamin and mineral supplements aren't absorbed well, but this is due to the constituents of the pill, or the form of the micronutrient used in the blend. All forms used in the Huel vitamin and mineral blend are readily absorbed to provide adequate nutrition. Read more about the Vitamins and Minerals in Huel.

  • Why sucralose?

    Some people don’t like the inclusion of sucralose in our Huel products as it’s an artificial sweetener. We use sucralose for a number of reasons:

    1. it doesn’t add any calories or carbohydrates which means the nutritional value of our products are protected

    2. it’s a much healthier option than many other sweeteners

    3. we only have to use a tiny amount as it’s 600 times sweeter than sugar

    We do offer an Unflavoured & Unsweetened Huel Powder which doesn't contain any sucralose, and Huel Black Edition contains all-natural sweeteners.

    Instant Meals don't contain any sweetener.

    Read more about sucralose in our Guide to Sucralose.

  • Is the vegan protein in Huel as good as animal based protein?

    Yes. Our combination of different protein sources in our Huel products means they have a perfect Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1.0. This is the same score as other animal based proteins, and more than enough to ensure all amino acids are supplied and that the protein in Huel Powder has high bioavailability. Read more about protein in our Guide to Protein, Digestion and Absorption.

  • What is the Glycaemic Index (GI) of Huel?

    Huel Hot & Savoury have a GI of: Tomato & Herb - 23 Thai Green Curry - 19 Mexican Chilli - 31 Additional flavours are due back soon.

    Huel Powder has a GI of 16.

    Huel Black Edition has a GI of 19.

    Huel Ready-to-drink has a GI of 25.

    Huel Bars v3.1 have a GI of 36.

    Read our article about Glycaemic Index.

  • Is Huel low FODMAP?

    Huel Powder and Black Edition are low FODMAP.

    Huel Hot & Savoury, Huel Ready-to-drink, Huel Bars, and Huel Complete Protein aren’t low FODMAP.

    Read more about FODMAPs here.

Questions sur la fidélité

  • When will I get my commemorative shaker and tee?

    Your shaker and tee will be added to your order at the checkout stage on your next purchase. It will then be delivered alongside your order.

  • How do I select my t-shirt size?

    When you hit your milestone you should have been sent an email congratulating you. There is a link in this email for you to add your t-shirt size and other details. We’ll then remember this information for the next time you complete an order.

  • Is the commemorative shaker and tee free or do I have to pay for it?

    Don’t worry, our exclusive shaker and tee is on us, and comes free with your next order.

Har du inte fått svar på din fråga och behöver kontakta oss?

Det finns flera sätt att kontakta oss. Du kan skicka ett e-postmeddelande till, använda vårt kontaktformulär online eller skriva ett meddelande i vårt forum.