Join our influencer program

Thank you for your interest in Huel!
Do you want to become an influencer for us or are you an agency looking for collabs for some of your talent? If you fit any of the below criteria please email us along with your social handles at
- Are you or do you manage a YouTuber/TikTok account with a significant presence? Then you may qualify for a paid partnership so please get in touch!
- Do you have a social channel with 20k+ followers? Then you may qualify for a gifting opportunity.
- Are you a Twitch streamer? Please feel free to get in touch and we can pass you along to our Twitch agency.
- Are you a UGC creator? Then please get in touch and we can pass you along to our UGC team.
- Do you have a podcast and are you looking for a sponsor? Then please send an email to with your podcast stats.
Oh, btw...
Unfortunately, we don’t currently have an affiliate programme or participate in sport or event sponsorships.
We also only operate in the UK, US, EU, and Japan at the minute so please only get in touch if you’re based in these regions.
A final note: we do try to answer all of your emails. But sadly (or gladly), we receive hundreds of requests, and as there’s only so much time in the day, we can’t promise a reply to everyone.
However, if we think you’re a good fit for an upcoming campaign, we will get back to you.
The Huel Influencer Team x