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Using Huel with Chewing or Swallowing Problems

If you have a medical or surgical condition that requires you to have a specific consistency of food and/or liquid then Huel may be a useful way of helping you obtain adequate nutrition during a time when good nutrition is even more important.  However, please check with your doctor or other healthcare professional before using Huel with any medical or surgical condition.

Soft Diet

If you require a soft diet and struggle to eat tougher foods like fruit, vegetables and meat, then using Huel is a great way to get the protein, vitamins and minerals you might be struggling with.  You can consume your desired consistency of Huel for some meals as part of a balanced varied diet.

Liquid Diet

After jaw, face or extensive dental surgery or injury, some people may require a liquid diet for the short or long term.  If there are no issues regarding swallowing reflexes, Huel can be a great way of obtaining nutrition.  We do advise Huel to be blended well (rather than shaken in a shaker) in these circumstances to ensure that there are no lumps.  If you have to drink through a straw, simply use additional water when blending Huel extra well and you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of Huel.

Huel in Dysphagia

If you have swallowing problems (dysphagia) due to stroke or a neurological condition, you may be required to consume thickened fluids to prevent aspiration (choking) as advised by a speech and language therapist.  During this time adequate and complete nutrition is a crucial factor in rehabilitation and maintaining good health.  Huel can make a useful contribution to calories, vitamins and minerals.

Dysphagia patients will be required to have specific consistencies for their fluids. Huel can be made thicker simply by mixing it with less water; however, for thicker consistencies, specially formulated fluid thickeners like Thick & EasyTM (Hormel) will need to be added to ensure that the consistency is even and there is no risk of aspiration. In order to get an even consistency, using Huel in dysphagia must be blended well in a blender or liquidizer rather than shaken in a shaker and, if required, the thickener should be added afterwards and mixed with a fork (as directed on the product directions).

Prior to using Huel in dysphagia, please check with your doctor, dietitian or speech and language therapist.

The following chart shows how much Huel and Thick & EasyTM should be mixed with 500ml water to achieve prescribed consistencies:

Consistency Level Water Huel Thick & Easy
Syrup / Nectar thickened 500ml 4 scoops* / 152g None required
Custard / Honey thickened 500ml 6 scoops / 228g None required
Pudding thickened 500ml 6 scoops / 228g 2 scoops** / 9g

* scoop size as provided by Huel

** scoop size as provided with Thick & EasyTM